The folks at home were very worried about us. But we charted our course in a careless way, singing songs by Coldplay, Parikrama, Metallica, Strings, Euphoria, and Swades to our hearts content. All we had for light was tiny flashlight from that made-for-India phone 1100, crescent moon and the stars above for company. Somehow Coldplay’s lyrics seemed very germane...
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.
The road does get eerie at times and at places far away from you can hear a few lilting tunes of Konkani folk songs. There are times when on the road being totally quiet helps. It brings with it a certain sense of tranquility and then you can turn your thoughts inward and contemplate life. So after that really long walk totaled at about 10 kms we reached home, hungry as wolves. Long walks such as these have a positive effect on the appetite and help to clear the head. I need to do this often.Sleep came quickly that night.